Tag Archives: day 7

Thirty Day Book Challenge #7: Book that you can quote/recite

I feel like this is absolutely cliche, but the only chapter book that really, truly fits this description is Pride & Prejudice.

I read Pride & Prejudice for the first time at some point in high school. It was not assigned reading, I just knew I liked books by similar-ish authors. I’ve read it at least three times, and I’ve watched a few different movie/mini-series adaptations. I love this book and there are portions of it that I really can recite, especially if prompted by a short quote.

The only other books I can recite or quote easily are children’s books. Particularly, Mud Puddle and Snow,* both of which I highly recommend.

It’s funny, everything in Snow seems to take place within a day or two, and I never understood that as a child. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized that in a lot of places, snow isn’t something that falls and stays on the ground for months on end, growing in volume as more accumulates over the months. In some many places, snow falls, lasts a day or a week or two, and then it melts which fits a lot better with the story.

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